Career Assistant provides highly tailored Human Resources services, efficient Recruitment & Employment solutions and all for your career growth and development.
Better quality - better income. Extent your skills and knowledge in the field with standout courses to significantly raise your qualification.
Get access to the world’s top courses for your sphere.
Grow in your field with exceptional classes and training.
Learn from the leading professionals in your field with more than 5+ years of experience.
Thrive with Career Assistant
Better quality - better income. Extent your skills and knowledge in the field with standout courses to significantly raise your qualification.
Get access to the world’s top courses for your sphere.
Grow in your field with exceptional classes and training.
Learn from the leading professionals in your field with more than 5+ years of experience.
Facilitated career switching
Career Assistant helps in seeking the right place for your talents! Change your occupation in a worry-free and time-saving way.
Train for your new field with top-tier courses.
Get a CV with real cases.
Promptly find a job in your desired field.
Facilitated career switching
We scrutinise the labour market to help employers, and talented candidates find each other.
For corporate clients:
We will promote your vacancy
description on job-seeking websites
and find perfect candidates for
linear and top positions.
For private clients:
We will develop an inclusive portfolio
or CV for you. We will help you get the
job you desire by distributing your CV
directly to employers and preparing you for interviews.
HR professional services
The best way to manage people's resources effectively.
Agile candidates searching, screening and recruiting.
Managing technology installation and integration via enhanced personnel, training, and employee communication.
Managing and developing skills that strengthen business performance.